International Nuclear Atlantic Conference – INAC 2017 | Belo Horizonte – MG

The Brazilian Nuclear Energy Association – ABEN will promote the eighth International Nuclear Atlantic Conference – INAC 2017, to be held at the Dayrell Hotel & Centro de Convenções in Belo Horizonte, the capital of the state of Minas Gerais, in southeastern Brazil, October 22 to 27, 2017. The theme of the event is Nuclear Energy for National Projects, which intends to discuss the nuclear energy as a source that generates industrial demand, employment, social and economic development and contributes to the environmental goals in the countries and regions where it operates.

The Conference will comprise three independent, but complementary, Technical Meetings: The XX Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Physics and Thermal hydraulics (ENFIR), the XIII Meeting on Nuclear Applications (ENAN) and the V Meeting on Nuclear Industry (ENIN). Jointly, the seventh edition of the Junior Poster Technical Sessions will be organized for undergraduate students from a number of colleges and universities in order to share with the participants the relevant results achieved in their research work under the supervision of nuclear researchers from Brazilian institutions.

Complementary to the program, ExpoInac, the traditional technical and commercial exhibition, will run alongside the INAC 2017, offering the opportunity to network with the delegates, enhance relationships with existing customers and meet new ones, demonstrate products or services, launch new products, and seek international partners forming new alliances.

INAC Chair: Antonio Teixeira e Silva – IPEN/CNEN-SP
INAC Co-chair: Hugo Cezar Rezende – CDTN/CNEN-B

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